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Legislative Update: SB184 Signed by the Governor

Posted over 3 years ago by Brian Lauf in Legislative

The 81st (2021) Legislative Session has ended. A detailed legislative report for the session will be available at the next BOD meeting.

SB184  [(Senator Hardy) Revises provisions relating to the practice of medicine] was signed by the Governor and is effective January 1, 2022. You may recall that SB184 addressed simultaneous licensure with NSBME and NSBOM, reduces the total cost for simultaneous licensure, removes the fee for a PA whose license has been placed on inactive status, removes the NCCPA requirement for license renewal, adds a provision that addresses the performance of medical services by a PA student and a PA of any division of the United States. If you have a moment, please email Senator Hardy ( and thank him for his support this session.

Although we did not achieve the addition of PAs as voting members of the licensing boards (SB335 and SB402 died in the Senate Finance Committee), we learned valuable lessons about how to structure our agenda in the 82nd (2023) Session. We gained new supporters and provided much-needed education to our legislators. Our lobbyist, Aregnum Partners, quickly grasped NAPA's goals and set in motion dialogue and relationships to move our agenda forward.

To follow up, here is a quick summary of the NAPA Armed Forces survey:

  • Total responses:107
  • Member of the armed forces or a veteran: 40 (37%)
  • Military status:  Active Military (3; 7.5%), Active Reserve (2; 5%); Active National Gaurd (2; 5%), Veteran (22; 55%), Disabled Veteran (2; 5%), Retried Military (9; 22.5%)
  • Branch (some respondants answered multiple): Army (16; 35.5%), Marine (3: 6.6%), Navy (10; 22.2%), Coast Guard (0), Air Force (16; 35.5%)

Remember, NAPA BOD nominations are open through June 4!

Thank you for your support!


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