A Message from the President
Posted over 2 years ago
Dear Fellow PA Colleagues,
I hope this letter finds you and your family in happiness and good health. My name is Ashley Cole, PA-C, and I am honored to serve as your NAPA President. The Nevada Academy of PAs (NAPA) strives to advocate for the advancement and propagation of Nevada PAs. I appreciate your interest and membership in your state's professional chapter, and I would like to remind you what your NAPA membership means for Nevada PAs.
NAPA is your voice in Nevada.
NAPA persistently engages legislators in Nevada with conversations about our profession, represents Nevada PAs nationally at the AAPA annual conference, and facilitates discussions with physicians and stakeholders alongside our lobbyist group.
NAPA is your voice for a change
Nurse Practitioner job postings outnumber PA job postings by 3:1 (per indeed search). The more PAs involved with NAPA, the more impact we can make on our profession. Provisions that NAPA proposes to local legislators are long-overdue and crucial for the protection of the profession. Optimal Team Practice (OTP) is the rational choice for delivering the best healthcare to Nevadans. OTP would allow PAs to work to our highest capacity by removing burdensome administrative constraints involved with our employment. OTP would redefine the healthcare team at the practice level. OTP would remove supervisory requirements allowing for transparency and recognition of PAs as collaborating members of healthcare teams.
NAPA unites Nevada PAs
NAPA is a community for PAs by PAs. We are happy to connect to PAs across the state in person and virtually. We are pleased to resume in-person CME and other informative events that allow PAs to come together, connect, network, and grow together.
Your ongoing NAPA Membership gives Nevada PAs a Voice. JOIN NAPA TODAY!
Membership fees will be waived for a limited time! Use coupon code: PAWEEK2022
Ashley Cole, PA-C
President, Nevada Academy of PAs
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Thank you for the wonderful message! Keep up the great work! We appreciate you and the Board. Happy PA Week!!
OTP and removing archaic barriers to practice should be the priority number one for NAPA. Good message.
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