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AB 364 passes, signed by Governor Lombardo

Posted over 1 year ago by Domonique Katona

Physician Assistant (PA) bill, AB 364, pertaining to the representation of PAs on the Nevada Board of Medical Examiners (NSBME), was signed into law by Governor Lombardo on Friday June 9, 2023. The bill will affect the nearly 1200 Nevada PAs.

AB364 aimed to create a favorable PA practice landscape in Nevada. After significant concessions on behalf of the Nevada Academy of PAs, physician groups remained in opposition of 1. Modernizing the language of the physician-PA relationship from "supervision" to "collaboration" and 2. Allowing a PAs scope of practice to be determined at the practice level. Significant opposition remained for the last proposal 3. Allowing a PA to occupy a voting seat on the medical board; however, PAs recieved strong support from Sen. Pat Spearman and this final point was the only area of the initial bill that survived. 

This bill allows for PAs to "sit at the table" with physicians. We have the same goals and want positive outcomes for our patients. We want to collaborate with physicians in a way that will reduce burdensome administrative barriers that make it difficult for PAs to find work or restrict a PAs ability to care for patients. Nevada laws are behind neighboring states and this is a reason our healthcare access is so terrible. With the passage of AB 364, there is hope for a Nevada that is attractive to PAs, that breeds, maintains and recruits PAs rather than forcing local PAs to consider leaving.

A substantial amount of time was invested on behalf of the Nevada Academy of PAs and PAs in the state. We are appreciative of those involved with this legislative session. We have propelled the PA profession forward in this state and are one step closer to Optimal Team Practice (OTP). We'll celebrate this win, but we acknowledge the work to be done next session.


Domonique Katona, DMSc, PA-C

President-elect, Nevada Academy of PAs


Cecilia Ahanonu over 1 year ago

An excellent step forward. Thank you for the leaders and legislators who worked on this. Your efforts are much appreciated. Hoping this leads to better accessibility to good care for patients.

Bernadette Yalung Almodiel over 1 year ago

Thank you for this excellent step in our vision to achieve collaboration. Next step, OTP! Thank you to our leadership team!!!

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